Sunday, 1 April 2018

sekian lama sepi...

anim ade jer....
sekian lama anim menyepikan diri kan...


Allison Damien said...

Would you like to setup 2fa in your Bithumb account? 2fa is required as it gives security to your Bithumb account. On the off chance that you need to get to the least demanding strides to setup 2fa validation in Bithumb, you can take help from the accomplished administrators by dialing Bithumb No transaction ID 1800-665-6722 which is working day in and day out with no break. You can achieve various goals and dispose of the question right away however for that, you have to contact Bithumb master's group.

Crypto Technical Helpline said...

Gdax can be easily accessed on the mobiles but sometimes users are unable to use Gdax on mobile apps properly.Get your issues fixed by dialing Gdax toll free number if you need to wipe out this issue. The representative at Gdax experts provides seamless solution to each and every problem of your and help understand step by step process easily.

Ai, takkan tengok je.:)

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